Working together to advance our profession.

Strengthen ties & make new connections at the 60th Conference of Bar Presidents & 12th Young Lawyers Summit. Gain first-hand training on leadership development, member engagement, and working together to be successful.

Conference Attire

Casual Attire for ALL Conference Activities, Meetings & Meal Functions (khakis, jean skirts/pants, polo shirts, etc.)


Access the agenda below.


Conference Agenda

Friday, October 25, 2019

8:00am // Registration opens

8:00am // Breakfast

9:00am // Welcome & Opening Remarks

9:30am // Bar Introductions

10:00am - 12:15pm // Plenary Sessions

12:20pm - 1:30pm // Lunch

1:45pm - 2:45pm // Plenary Session

3:00pm - 4:30pm // Breakout Sessions

6:30pm - 10:00pm // Themed Reception | Dinner | Dancing

Saturday, October 26, 2019

6:30am // Nature Walk

7:30am // Breakfast

8:00am // Announcements

8:30am - 10:30am // Plenary Sessions

10:30am // Drawing for Door Prizes (You must be present to win)

10:45am // Group Photo

11:00am // Conference ends

The theme for the 2019 Conference of Bar Presidents
themed Reception and Dinner is:

Have you ever...
😱 arrived at court & forgot your briefcase
😱 saw a ghost
😱 lost all of your teeth
…but then woke up & realized it was all just a dream...
& thought that is MY WORST NIGHTMARE?!?!?
On Friday, October 25th, come dressed as your worst nightmare and scare the night away.
Costumes will be judged based on both creativity and execution.


Registration for the 2019 Conference is now closed.

The Maryland State Bar Association’s Conference of Bar Presidents is a complementary event for bar leaders around Maryland that are also MSBA members. If you are not a member of the MSBA, registration for this event is $175 attorneys (5+ years) or $115 for attorneys (less than 5 years). You will be invoiced for the proper amount following registration and asked to pay this amount by November 15, 2019. Registration includes a 1 year Membership to the MSBA which includes access to all of its benefits such as Fastcase, Practice Management Resource Portal, CLE member pricing, and networking events.

Award Nominations

Nomination window is now closed.
Please click below for the online application form for the 60th annual Local and Specialty Bar Association Best Projects Awards competition. We look forward to your entries in any or all of the categories – Best Service to the Public, Best Service to the Bar, and Special/Small Bar Best Project.

The project(s) must have occurred between October 2018 and August 2019. You may submit more than one entry per category.