By LawPay, An MSBA Affinity Partner

The legal industry continues to change in the wake of continuing advances in digital technology. Is your practice optimizing its systems to succeed in the digital age? Update your firm’s processes and paperwork with our resource, 5 Forms to Modernize Your Attorney-Client Agreements.

Modernizing your firm includes updating your agreements for today’s technology concerns. This kit contains five optional provisions* to add to your attorney fee agreements, service contracts, or retainer contracts. The clauses, compiled by Claude E. Ducloux, Attorney at Law and Director of Education, Ethics, and State Compliance for LawPay, address a lawyer’s potential use of newer technology, billing, or legal requirements imposed by the majority of states to secure private information or advise clients of file destruction policies. Consider adopting one or more of these forms, edited or adapted for use in your own practice. You may also consider combining one or more into an “Exhibit” appended to and executed at the time of the initial agreement. Note that each form includes a demonstrative footer, which should appear below the clause, indicating the client’s initials for approval.

Consider adopting one or more of these forms, edited or adapted for use in your own practice. You may also consider combining one or more into an “Exhibit” appended to and executed at the time of the initial agreement. Note that each form includes a demonstrative footer, which should appear below the clause, indicating the client’s initials for approval.

To download a sample attorney fee agreement provided by Claude Ducloux, click here.


Law Pay is proud to be recommended as an MSBA member benefit. LawPay was developed specifically for attorneys with the input of state bars and their ethics committees to ensure that earned and unearned fees are properly separated and that IOLTA accounts are protected against any third-party debiting.

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* DISCLAIMER: The sample agreements made available on this website are provided for individual review and analysis, and are delivered without warranty or representation of fitness for specific use or compliance. The receiver hereof is advised to make any necessary modifications or adaptations which may be required for the user’s specific needs, or for compliance with the user’s applicable practice rules or state statutes.