Turning 60 is a milestone that many celebrate with parties, vacations, or memorable gifts. For MSBA member Jeff Schwaber, turning 60 was a catalyst to raise $60,000 for the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless during what he called a “particularly precarious time for the Clinic’s clients.”

Using a big birthday to support the Legal Clinic wasn’t a new idea for Schwaber; a decade ago, he raised more than $50,000 for the clinic by completing a triathlon for his 50th birthday. This time, Jeff, who is a Managing Partner of Stein Sperling Bennett De Jong Driscoll PC, set out to run 60 sub-9-minute miles in 10 days. When the 10 days were up, Jeff had nearly doubled his original goal, raising more than $119,000. He was so inspired by the generosity of his supporters that he added an extra mile to his final run, to get to 61 total. “The amazingly generous people in my life went the extra mile for the Legal Clinic,” he said. “I certainly owed them an extra mile.”

Jeff has been supporting the Legal Clinic since he was in his twenties and a law student at Georgetown University. While in school, he created an annual basketball event, Home Court, which has since raised more than $10 million. A grateful Patty Mullahy Fugere, Executive Director of the Legal Clinic, noted that Jeff has remained “unfailing in his support . . . and in his willingness to use his plentiful connections to broaden that support.”