1. The May/June Issue

In this month’s A2J Dispatch, we celebrate Pride and explore the pro- and anti-LGBTQ+ legislation sweeping across the nation, we take a look at health inequity and discover how access to health care is closely linked to the fight for access to justice, we continue to explore how technology and AI are transforming the legal profession, and we learn about active judging and how some judges have started implementing a new approach to broaden access to information and resources for litigants who can’t afford legal help. All this and more in this month’s issue of the A2JC Dispatch.

A2J Commission News

  • A2JC Finds Its Social Spot at the Legal Summit. A2JC hosted a Welcome Dinner & Fundraiser, a.k.a. “The Pizza Party,” on the first night of the Legal Summit. Boasting specialty pizzas, drinks, a convivial atmosphere and great company, the first year of the A2JC event at Dry Dock 28 was a hit! After joining the MSBA in June, 2018, the Commission finally found its social spot at the Legal Summit, which boasts a very filled and lively social calendar. Thanks to all who joined us this year and we look forward to seeing more folks next year on Wednesday, June 5, 2024!
  • A2JC Chair, Ward Coe, Gives an A2JC Update at the Legal Summit Business Meeting. A2JC Chair, Ward Coe, delivered remarks and gave an update at the Legal Summit Business Meeting reporting on increases in civil legal aid funding, funding for access to counsel in evictions and raising a call to action for all MSBA members to use their voice in advocacy, serve a modest means client or take a case pro bono or give to a legal services organization.

Tips from Maryland Judiciary’s Access to Justice Department. We are pleased to offer recurring content from the Maryland Judiciary’s Access to Justice Department as part of the A2J Dispatch.

  • Maryland Court Help Centers. People learn in different ways. Some folks would like more detailed information about court processes and procedures than they can get from written instructions or short format videos. For those individuals, the Maryland Court Help Centers offer a free series of live and on-demand webinars on a broad range of legal topics. Those interested can register for a scheduled live webinar on Filing for Divorce in Maryland, Child Custody and other topics. Participants in live webinars can participate actively and ask questions of the presenter. When someone needs help sooner, a full range of on-demand webinars are available as well on topics including Filing for Expungement, Facing Eviction for Failure to Pay Rent?, and Responding to a Complaint for Divorce. See the full list of offerings at: www.mdcourts.gov/legalhelp/webinars. Webinars are presented by attorneys with the Maryland Court Help Centers.

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