The Association of American Law Schools (AALS), working in conjunction with Gallup, has released Before the JD: Undergraduate Views on Law School, a landmark study based on survey responses from more than 22,000 college students and over 2,700 law students about their views on legal education. The report features details on students’ career aspirations, their sources of information and advice and their academic backgrounds. The report also explores demographic differences in survey respondents by gender, parental education, race/ethnicity, and academic achievement.

Among the findings, undergraduates reported their top reason for considering law school is to pursue a career in politics, government, or public service. Other top reasons include being passionate about work, an opportunity to give back to society, and to advocate for social change. The report also includes important findings about first generation college students.

View highlights here, or visit AALS Before the JD for information on ordering the full report.