Now Accepting Submission: Chief Judge Bell Award

The Chief Judge Robert M. Bell Award recognizes outstanding contributions to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Maryland, honoring those who promote ADR in various sectors, including the judiciary, education, government, and communities. It celebrates innovative ADR services and programs, supports entities dedicated to excellence in ADR through education and ethical practices, and encourages exemplary ADR approaches. Nominations for this prestigious award, presented at the MSBA ADR Section spring dinner, are open to individuals, agencies, businesses, or entities. To nominate a deserving candidate, please use the provided nomination form.

Nominations will be accepted through December 31, 2023.

Nominations can be made HERE.


Virtual Lunch and Learns

December 1, 2023

Join the ADR section for a Lunch and Learn at Noon on December 1st to hear about other ADR opportunities outside of being a roster mediator for the courts, and about other ADR processes outside of mediation. Learn about federal opportunities, and the use of conflict coaching and other processes in agencies. Presented by: Jonathan Rosenthal, Esq., Director, ADR Division of FEMA, and John Greer, Esq., Mediator, Arbitrator, Adjunct Professor, and Settlement Conference Officer at Patuxent Mediation Services, LLC. Click HERE to register.


January 16, 2024

Put me in “Coach”? Explore how Coaching can Benefit your ADR Practice
Try on a new lens and explore the key connection between ADR and coaching and what that can mean to your practice? Coaching and mediation can complement each other during conflict resolution. With mediation supporting parties to successfully navigate conflicts, and coaching uncovering the real purposes of the conflict. Working with both skill sets can help with collaborative approaches and creative solutions for lasting agreements. Come hear from a certified Coach and discover the ways this can benefit your practice. Presented by Prof. Jen Lara, Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation. Click HERE to register.