March 13, 2019 | 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Universities at Shady Grove Conference Center | Rockville, MD

Join the MSBA Continuing Legal Education Department for a new presentation of Appellate Practice in Maryland on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, at the Universities at Shady Grove Conference Center in Rockville, MD.

If fish could talk, who would ask an angler how to catch a fish? These judges can talk. Let’s ask them how to win on appeal.

Questions and Answers on Effective Appellate Practice with The Honorable CJ Patrick Woodard; The Honorable Daniel A. Friedman and The Honorable Irma S. Raker. Leading the event will be Emily Malarkey, Esq., Steven M. Klepper, Esq. and Paul Mark Sandler, Esq. Members and guests will be invited to pose questions of their own.

Registrants will have the chance to buy Appellate Practice for the Maryland Lawyer: State and Federal, Fifth Edition at 10 percent off its regular sale price.

Two hours of credit with the surrounding MCLE states will be offered. If you cannot join us in Rockville, the program will be webcast live concurrently and available online on-demand a week after the program. Register today!