On June 9, 2023, the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) approved the Amended and Restated Bylaws (Bylaws), including improvements to the Board of Governor (BOG) composition and structure. The motivation behind the revised Bylaws was to add more pathways to leadership for MSBA members. Under the revised Bylaws, members now have the opportunity to attain BOG seats through involvement with local bar associations, engagement with MSBA Sections, and through 12 newly created at-large seats.

To ensure that the makeup of the BOG reflects the scope and breadth of the legal profession and aligns with MSBA’s commitment to diversity as articulated in Article I of the MSBA Bylaws, a nominating committee, chaired by MSBA Immediate Past-President David Shapiro, has been charged with fulfilling the 12 at-large seats. The nominating committee has announced an application portal where members interested in serving at the board level can submit applications for consideration. 

Applications are being accepted through January 31, 2024. The Nominating Committee will review applications in early February and forward its recommendations to the BOG, which will consider the recommendations for final approval at the March 2024 BOG meeting. 

Members selected to fulfill the at-large seats will begin their term in June 2024. Please note that for this transition year, there will be six at-large governors appointed to two-year terms (June 2024 – June 2026), and six at-large governors appointed to one-year terms (June 2024 – June 2025). 

If you are interested in pursuing one of the at-large governor seats please complete the application linked here by or before January 31, 2024.