The Young Lawyers’ Section (YLS) of the Maryland State Bar Association is seeking applications for Section Officer positions for the 2021-2022 Bar year. The positions are Chair-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Any current member of the section who is interested in a position shall submit an application to Michael Hudak, Chair YLS Nominating Committee. All applicants will be interviewed by the Nominating Committee which consists of the following members:

Michael Hudak, Chair YLS Nominating Committee
Jessica M. Gorsky, Chair-Elect YLS Section
Kayla Williams, Member YLS Nominating Committee
Garrett Mannchen, Member YLS Nominating Committee
Victoria Lucido, Member YLS Nominating Committee
Jessica L. Duvall, Member YLS Nominating Committee
Jessica Garth, Member YLS Nominating Committee

All applications must be received no later than the close of business on Friday, January 15, 2021. Applications should consist of a statement of interest, a resume, and a list of Bar activities. Applications should be sent to both Michael Hudak ( and Angela Munro (
If you have any questions, please contact either Michael Hudak or Angela Munro for more information.