April 8, 2020: Following the submission of MSBA’s Question Set #5 to the Judiciary yesterday (bringing total number of questions submitted to the Judiciary to +150 since March 16), the Judiciary responded today by issuing two Amended Orders, included for your review.

Judiciary – 2020.04.08 – Administrative Order Emergency Tolling or Suspension (Amended)

Judiciary – 2020.04.08 – Administrative Order Expanding Restricted Operations (Amended)

  • Includes FCCIP Subcommittee of Maryland Judicial Council Recommendations (from April 7, 2020), regarding courts’ review process of CINA matters during the emergency period
  • Suspends Maryland Rules 2-507 and 3-507, which provide for notices of contemplated dismissal for failure to obtain jurisdiction or to prosecute civil matters, for cases pending during the COVID-19 emergency period

Thank you for reaching out to us with your questions and concerns as you navigate your practice during this difficult time. We are here to represent the voice of the legal profession.

We are… your MSBA.