Tracking your daily steps is a good example of how to build exercise into your day.  Find the moments in your day to get moving.

Lowering your stress level, improving your mental health, and protecting your memory  and brain function are only a few reasons to get moving. Treat it like a meeting and put it on your calendar.  Start small with 15 to 20 minutes a day. Find a buddy to motivate and help you stay accountable and get moving. 

More reasons to get moving include:

  • Protects against many chronic diseases
  • Aids in weight management
  • Lowers blood pressure and improves heart health
  • Improves your quality of sleep
  • General wellbeing



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LAP  provides free, confidential assistance to all Maryland lawyers, judges, law school students, and support staff by offering assessment, referral, short-term counseling, and continued support to ensure long term success.  If you are concerned about another lawyer you can make an anonymous  referral to LAP. We offer financial assistance for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment.

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