By Patrick Tandy and Bill Hall

Public service is important to many MSBA members, especially the volunteers of the Young Lawyers Section (YLS) and Public Awareness Committee (PAC) – including YLS Chair Indira Sharma and State Delegate Erek Barron, himself a Past Section Chair, as well as PAC Chair Myriem Seabron – who turned out for the 23rd Annual Maryland State Police Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, January 26, 2019, at Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis.

Team MSBA collectively raised $1,500 for the event’s beneficiary, Special Olympics Maryland.

“I’m super proud of the Young Lawyers Section for the money we raised for the Special Olympics today,” said Sharma. “Everyone is very enthusiastic about doing public service, and this is one of our favorite events.”

“It’s an annual tradition for us, and we’re really proud of that,” said Veteran Plunger and Section Treasurer Liz Rosen.

“Nothing builds camaraderie,” noted Chair-Elect Nate Risch, “like jumping into 40-degree water with the people around you.” Seabron concurred.

“This is only my second year actually going into the water,” said Seabron, who spent many previous Plunges rooting on her friends and colleagues from shore. “Last year, I went in for the first time, and I had so much fun that I couldn’t wait to do it again – and I’ll be doing it again next year.”

Donations remain open through the end of January. Visit the Team MSBA page for more information.

The MSP Polar Bear Plunge is but one of the more than 300 events that MSBA presents or otherwise takes part in each year. Learn more at

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