The Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure gives notice of the following Items:

Item 1: The text of revisions to the Rules pertaining to the Judicial Disabilities Commission (Rules 18-401 through 18-417) transmitted to the Court of Appeals on October 13, 2016 as part of the Committee’s 191st Report;

Item 2: Excerpts from that Report explaining some of the principal revisions to the JDC Rules;

Item 3: The May 8, 2018 Order of the Court of Appeals remanding Item 1 to the Rules Committee for further consideration;

Item 4: The Rules Committee solicits written comment from interested individuals and organizations with respect to Item 1. Comments should be sent to the Committee’s Reporter by July 6, 2018. The Committee prefers that any such comments be sent electronically in PDF or Word format but will accept comments in paper form. Comments sent electronically should be addressed to Comments sent in paper form should be addressed to:

Sandra F. Haines, Esq.

Reporter, Rules Committee

2011-D Commerce Park Drive

Annapolis, MD 21401

Individuals submitting comments on behalf of the MSBA are requested to forward any such comments to the MSBA Committee on Rules of Practice:

Thomas J. Dolina, Co-Chair

Bodie Dolina Hobbs Friddell & Grenzer

82 W. Washington St., Ste 200

Hagerstown, MD 21740-4886

Thomas B. Stahl, Co-Chair

Spencer & Stahl PC

5850 Waterloo Rd., Ste. 220

Columbia, MD 21045-1972

Item 5: At the conclusion of the comment period, the Attorneys and Judges Subcommittee of the Rules Committee will begin reviewing all comments timely received. Based on those comments, the Subcommittee may invite individuals and representatives of organizations to meet with the Subcommittee for further discussion.

Item 6: Recommendations from the Subcommittee will be posted on the Judiciary Website, along with a Notice of the time and place of the Rules Committee meeting at which those recommendations will be considered. Rules Committee meetings are open meetings.

The complete text of the proposed Rules changes may be found online.