Join the MSBA for the 2021 Legal Summit Series: Create A Winning M&A Playbook on Friday, April 30, 2021 at 10 a.m.! 

Help Your Clients Achieve Greater M&A Success, Starting with a Winning Playbook!

An effective M&A playbook facilitates positive – and sustainable – outcomes. Do your M&A clients have playbooks that cover the full lifecycle of the deal, starting with strategy alignment, progressing to initial preparation and identification of targets with the right DNA and ending with integration and full realization? What is often missing is how people, culture and leadership fit into the early financial calculations and restructuring, including how those aspects directly affect valuations and how they influence the post-acquisition period where value really is captured.

Having a full-cycle playbook helps you as counsel and trusted advisor to shape and structure the deal, and develop a contract that keeps your client’s interests in the forefront. It also helps you to recognize when additional resources and expertise may be needed.

This webinar will:

  • outline a full lifecycle playbook,
  • show how later stages like integration need to start with a strategy developed long before day one,
  • share how the developing ISO standards regarding human capital metrics will become an important consideration,
  • emphasize the importance of having an effective marketing package on both the seller and buyer sides, and
  • include tips on managing the public face of the deal to avoid confusion and maintain engagement and retention of the key people in the acquired company.

Presented by Fred L. Hencke, Senior Vice President, Segal Management and HR Consultant, M&A Solution Leader

For more information and to register click HERE

1.5 hours of CLE credit will be offered to the surrounding MCLE states. If you miss the livestream, it will be available on the MSBA CLE catalog