The MSBA Department of Learning and Publications is excited to offer the newest presentation 2019 Deposition Practice & Procedure, on December 5th-6th at the University of Baltimore, MD!

Our outstanding team leaders of Neil Dilloff, Tracey Gann-Turner, Lee Rauch and Jeffrey Herschman will present lectures on how to prepare and depose witnesses, offering their unique insights and practice tips.  Participants will then be divided into opposing “teams” using a mock case file and will have the opportunity to prepare a witness for deposition, as well as take or defend a portion of a deposition of a party and expert witnesses.  Each participant will present two live exercises daily and be critiqued by a faculty member.  This is a unique experience to learn deposition skills through lecture and performance under the guidance of experienced litigators who generously devote their time to serve as members of our faculty.

15.5 hours of credit with the surrounding MCLE states will be offered.

Admission to the bar is required, and enrollment is limited.  Reserve your space soon and don’t miss the early bird pricing! The discount expires on November 5th!!!