By Lisa Caplan

When you hear someone say, “inner peace”, what words do you think of? For me words like “calm,” “quiet,” “serene,” and “well-being” come to mind. What images does it bring to mind? I think of people having fun, sitting quietly, being outdoors and nature. But inner peace most likely means different things to different people. The following ten tips will hopefully help you find your inner peace.

  1. Be true to yourself. Don’t be so concerned with what others think. Instead, live a life that you are proud of and makes you happy. Just because it may not work for someone else does not mean it’s not right for you. 
  2. Start your day working on your most difficult task. It is stressful to have something hanging over your head. When you get it done early, it will lower your stress and allow you to be more productive.
  3. A cluttered space is a cluttered mind. An environment free of clutter allows you the space, literally, to think. Start small and pick one area to organize and work from there.
  4. Simplify your life. Live with intent by really thinking about what is important to you. Hold on to that, and get rid of the rest. Some of the things you hold onto may not necessarily be fun, but might serve a purpose that you can’t let go of. Making an active decision helps you feel more in control.
  5. Find a relaxation technique that you like and works for you. Whether it’s deep breathing, a free mindfulness app, or yoga, find something that works for you. There are many options. Giving your mind a break helps you manage life better. Yoga has taught me to take what I learn on the mat out into the real world. It teaches me to respond, not react, to my life. Find something that works for you. If you aren’t sure, call the Lawyer Assistance Program and we will work together to find something for you.
  6. Live with integrity. Living within your morals and values creates a sense of peace. Make decisions that you feel good about. We all make mistakes; so don’t beat yourself up. We are all human. Just make amends and move on, and keep trying.
  7. Try to focus on what you are doing at the moment. Living in the past can cause depression and focusing on the future can cause anxiety. When you find yourself in the past or in the future ask yourself, “What do I need to do right now?”
  8. Just Breathe. Breathe in to the count of five like you are filling up a balloon from your feet to your head, hold for five, and then release either through your nose or mouth to the count of five. Try not to get caught up in the numbers. Some people find that counting is distracting; if it is, then forget the numbers, and just do the exercise very slowly. Repeat.
  9. Think of three things that you are grateful for at this moment. They can be very simple. Taking the time to be grateful can be a great mindfulness exercise and calm your mind.
  10. Speak nicely to yourself. Imagine you are talking to a friend. Would you speak to a friend like you do to yourself? Probably not; so take the time to be patient and kind to yourself.


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