As many of you know, the MSBA Email Discussion Lists (“Discussion Lists”) are an important resource for members, and are designed to facilitate constructive dialogue about the legal profession and substantive and technical legal matters between members. Many of our members have commented that the Discussion Lists are one of the most valuable resources the MSBA provides.

Participation in Discussion Lists by members is subject to certain rules. Recently, the MSBA reviewed the rules to ensure the value of the Discussion Lists is maintained, that the proper steps for addressing any technical issues with the Discussion Lists were properly outlined, and that the rules provided clear terms of use consistent with the intended purpose the Discussion Lists.

After this review, the rules are being revised with a goal towards adopting a uniform set of rules that all MSBA Email Discussion Lists must abide. These revisions benefitted from standard language and best practices used by other state Bars.

In addition, the MSBA is providing an opportunity for members to provide commentary and/or suggestions on the revised rules, prior to their submission to the MSBA Executive Committee and Board of Governors for final approval.

The comment period will be open for thirty (30) days, beginning on September 5, 2018, and continuing through October 5, 2018. Comments regarding the revised rules should be sent via email to with the subject line “Email Discussion Lists Rules Commentary”.

The current rules and the revised rules are now available on the MSBA website at or by clicking here.