The Environment & Energy Law Section held a virtual Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The section chair, Melanie Santiago-Mosier announced the election of new officers and council members for next year. There were no objections to the slate of nominees.

Melanie also gave an overview of some of the events the section hosted this year. In December, the section hosted a Legislative Session preview breakfast with Kumar Barve, Chairman of the Environment & Transportation Committee, MD House of Delegates. In January, the section along with the Real Property Section hosted a New Year Celebration and Membership Mingle at the Guinness Brewery. This fun-filled evening of networking and socializing over hors d’oeuvres and drinks and an informative guided tour of the brewery.

Chair-elect Dana Cooper, introduced the guest speaker Delegate Brooke Lierman. Delegate Lierman gave a Wrap up of the State Legislative 2020 Session. The topics discussed were featured legislation, zero waste task force, transit Caucus, Bills that failed to pass and Governor’s vetoes. The presentation was followed by a brief question and answer session.