Join the MSBA Family and Juvenile Law Section on Day 2 of the MSBA Legal Excellence Week as they present one of their most popular, signature events, Family Law University on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 8:30 am!

Experienced faculty will address all areas of mental health issues associated with family law matters. The aim is to address not only mental health challenges facing clients and opposing parties, but also those related to minor children and the attorneys themselves. 

Topics will include: Coercive Control: Why They Stay; A Therapeutic Model to Reduce Anxiety and the Effects of Trauma for Children of Separated Families; Trauma to Go: Bringing Your Work & Stress Home; Identifying and Addressing Mental Health Issues in Clients; Inter Partner Violence & Mediation; and Treatment Monitors.


With the Legal Excellence Weekly Pass, you can attend one program, or all programs, in person or virtually, with nearly 40 hours of Learning and Accredited CLE. Plus you can access all programs on-demand for 90 days after the event! See details and savings HERE. Legal Excellence Week is free for Passport Members!