Join the MSBA for a brand new virtual presentation of Fee Agreements and Managing Money for Lawyers on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 9 a.m.! 

Attendees will learn how to onboard a new client by creating the appropriate fee agreement, make the proper entries onto the client ledger and trust account in the case of an advance fee, track the earning mechanism established in the fee agreement and make proper entries in the firm’s operating or business account.

A variety of fee agreements will be examined with the focus on the scope of representation, managing the fee, expenses and the earning mechanism established for the advance fee.  

The following client transactions will be explored and ledger entries will be demonstrated for all transactions:

  • Agreement for Initial Consultation
  • Advance Flat Fee Representation for Client Charged with A Felony Criminal Offense
  • Advance Flat Fee Representation for an Immigration Client
  • Advance Hourly Fee Representation for a Civil Litigation Client
  • Advance Flat Fee Representation for an Estate Planning Client
  • A Contingency Fee Representation for an Injury Case
  • An Availability Representation (Classic Engagement Retainer)

Presented by Daniel Schumack, Esq. of the Schumack Law Firm PLLC, Daniel M. Mills, Esq. and Kaitlin Forster, Esq., Practice Management Advisors, DC Bar  

For more information and to register click HERE


Three hours CLE credit (with 3.0 ethics hours) will be offered for the surrounding MCLE states. If you miss the livestream, each session will be recorded and it will always be available here on-demand on the MSBA CLE catalog