Attorneys from the Solo & Small Firm Practice Section have worked with the MSBA Learning Department to bring other Solo & Small Firms valuable information during these trying times.  Join them in a free webinar on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 beginning at 2:00pm to learn about these valuable topics:

  • Ethical Considerations presented by Irwin Kramer
  • Keeping the Lights On presented by Glen Frost
  • Managing Remote Staff presented by Valerie Nowottnick
  • Managing Isolation presented by Lisa Caplan

The panel discussion will be moderated by Joseph Owens and Tara Ross.

The webinar will be presented via Google Hangout.   To access this free webinar, please utilize this weblink 

Tips for joining:

  • If you are not familiar with participating in a Google Hangouts session, please take time before to review online (Google or YouTube). Here is a generic cheat sheet that may be helpful:
  • Prior to joining the meeting, please mute your mic. This will reduce the possibility of echo, and background noise.
  • To avoid multiple people speaking at the same time, and over each other, we are asking everyone to utilize the “chat box” function in the Google Hangout (located in the top right corner of the screen) to submit questions, or to let us know you have a comment. If time permits, we will call on you individually. If time does not permit, we will assemble all questions and answers, and email them to all participants.