By Anna S. Sholl, Esq.

The MSBA Board of Governors held its last meeting of calendar year 2018 on Tuesday, December 18, at the Maryland State House in Annapolis. As is tradition, the meeting was held in the Senate Chamber. The meeting focused on the upcoming Legislative Session, with Laws Committee Co-Chair Meg McKee, Esq., as well as MSBA Director of Legislative Relations Richard A. Montgomery III, reporting. Both McKee and Montgomery provided a brief overview of the Legislative Program for the 2019 Session, which was previously provided to BOG members at the November Board meeting. A copy of the Legislative Program is available on the updated Advocacy page of the MSBA website

In addition, Montgomery gave a brief overview regarding the upcoming session, including noting the significant number of freshman legislators. He also reported that there will be a new chair of the judiciary committee, Delegate Luke Clippinger, who plans to put together a formal subcommittee system, which, Montgomery opined, will be more efficient way of dealing with bills affecting the judiciary.

After the presentation and discussion, the Board voted to approve the Legislative Program. Approval was unanimous with members of the judiciary abstaining.

Other items covered during the meeting, included a report of the Treasurer, Hon. Mark Scurti, regarding the most recent financial statement. MSBA Secretary Debbie Potter, Esq., also reported on the nomination process for 2018-19 Officers and Board of Governors vacancies. The remainder of the meeting was conducted during an Executive Session.

The next Board of Governors meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 15, 2019, at MSBA Headquarters. For more information on Board of Governors meetings, please visit the Board of Governors page of the MSBA website for access to approved meeting minutes and upcoming agendas.