The GW Undergraduate Moot Court team is hosting a Moot Court Tournament for undergraduate moot court teams on Friday, October 20th in the afternoon and evening and all day on Saturday, October 21st.

The team is looking for legal practitioners, current and retired, to serve as judges to simulate the Appellate or Supreme Court bench. Judges listen as the students give their oral arguments, and may interrupt with questions at any moment. Oral arguments in Moot Court are based on a fictional Supreme Court case dealing with two Constitutional issues.

This year, the case centers on the free exercise clause of the First Amendment and the right to privacy in regard to birth control restrictions. Judges will be provided with a bench brief outlining the case, available authorities, and potential Constitutional issues to focus on. Additionally, judges will be required to attend one of three brief orientation sessions the week of October 2nd (dates to be available soon).

To register as a judge and indicate availability, click here. Volunteers can sign up to judge as many or as few rounds as they would like.

Email the GW Moot Court at with any questions.