The MSBA is excited to offer the newest livestream presentation of Gibber on Estate Administration in Maryland on Wednesday, May 19th at 8:30 am! 

The program will cover changes in the law and procedure in Maryland estate administration since the publishing of the renowned publication in 2017. 

The latest edition of the publication Gibber on Estate Administration, 7th Edition will be available for pre-order soon! Registrants for this program though, will be offered a 10% discount on the book. Long considered the authoritative treatise on the topic in Maryland, the volume will include a comprehensive review of new law, checklists, and helpful forms, and suggestions – all written with an eye to the practical needs of busy lawyers.   

For more information and to register click HERE

**The publication will serve as the primary written materials for this program. **

Three (3) hours of credit will be offered for the surrounding MCLE states. If you miss the livestream, it will always be available on-demand on the MSBA CLE catalog.   

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