The MSBA mourns the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away on September 18, 2020, at the age of 87.

A person who dies on Rosh Hashanah is a person of great righteousness according to Jewish tradition.   Justice Ginsburg was such a woman. One need only watch the life of  the Notorious RBG to better understand how much one woman made a difference in the world for so many. A friend of mine said to me about her passing: “With her on the bench I always felt she had my back.”

I had the distinguished pleasure of meeting Justice Ginsburg at an ABA meeting. It was right after one of her treatments for cancer.  She sat in her seat as we lined up to meet her. She was gracious, pleasant, and despite her health struggles, continued to smile and engage each of us. When it was time for her to speak, her voice was strong and robust and everyone listened to this visionary woman.

The loss of Justice Ginsburg will be felt for a very long time. We need to continue to move forward with her legacy and never forget what she has done in pursuit of equal justice under the law.