Governor Larry Hogan has issued Executive Order 20-06-03-01, which will usher in Phase 2 of the Governor’s business reopening plan, as of 5:00pm on Friday June 5, 2020.  The Executive Order is linked here. Governor Hogan’s new Executive Order, which amends and restates provisions of his previous Order of May 27, 2020, allows for the reopening of certain businesses and facilities, subject to local regulation.  It is important to note that the counties of Maryland and Baltimore City maintain the authority to retain more stringent provisions, which may continue existing stay-at-home orders and restrictions on business operation within the jurisdiction. The regularly-updated guide to local orders can be found on the Governor’s Recovery page: Reopening Status in Maryland’s Jurisdictions

Effective June 5th at 5:00 p. m. Phase 2 of Reopening proceeds as follows.

  • Nail salons, tanning salons, and massage parlors are allowed to reopen at 50 percent capacity. Retailers, offices, financial institutions, car dealerships and insurance agencies will also be able to re-open with public health guidelines, including enhanced sanitary protocols in place. Manufacturing facilities, construction, specialty vendors, warehouses and technology firms are also included.
  • The state Department of Education will continue with its plan to reopen child-care centers as more people head back to work outside of home (child care is not addressed specifically in the Executive Order, however, further interpretive guidance on child care operation is expected in the near future).
  • State government agencies such as the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) will move toward a “phased reopening” offering services by appointment only. Transit schedules will also begin to return to normal in the very near future.

Additional provisions of the Executive Order include:

  • Any business, organization, establishment, or facility in the State of Maryland may require its customers over the age of two, visitors over the age of two, and/or staff to wear Face Coverings (as defined in the Face Coverings Order Face Masks and Physical Distancing ). A business, organization, establishment, or facility that elects require face coverings shall post signage at each entrance advising customers, visitors, and/or staff about such requirement.
  • Employees who can telework should continue to do so whenever possible.

As with prior Executive Orders, the MSBA will share any Interpretive Guidance memoranda issued by the Governor’s Office as soon as such guidance is made available.