1. Suggested by a mom with a 13-year-old, 4-year-old, and 1-year-old: set a strict schedule that replicates that of a normal school day.  
  2. Involve your children in setting a schedule.  Make it age appropriate, and post the schedule someplace that everyone can see.
  3. Set boundaries with your children. Being more flexible and building   screen time and TV into their schedule might be necessary to keep them occupied. 
  4. Discuss with your children that sometimes you need to not be disturbed unless it is a real emergency.    Involve them in making a sign for your work space for “do not disturb” and one for, “Come in”. For young children, use  a “Stop” sign and a “Go” sign.
  5. If both you and your partner are both working from home, alternate taking care of your children in shifts. Plan ahead and make a daily plan to cover childcare and learning from home.  One of you may decide to start work really early while the other one may be able to work later into the evening.  
  6. Build in Breaks for yourself and your children. Breaks can help you all be more productive when you are working or learning from home. 
  7. Practice self-care. Plan to take a few minutes for yourself each day to decompress.