Join the MSBA Intellectual Property Law Section for a livestream of the Legal Summit Series: “Hey Alexa, Can You Get a Patent or Register for a Copyright?” on Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 1 p.m.! 

Join Barry Herman from Womble Bond Dickinson LLP, Greg Stone from Whiteford, Taylor, Preston, LLP and Donna Thomas from Astrachan Gunst Thomas, P.C., for a lively interactive discussion concerning hot topics facing IP practitioners, including: 1) implications of AI, IoT, and other Emerging Technologies on Intellectual Property Law; 2) the latest trends and decisions from the PTAB concerning post-grant review proceedings (is the PTAB still a “death squad killing patent rights?”); and 3) the 2020 U.S. Supreme Court’s fascination with: copyright law (after a 5-year stretch in which the Court issued a total of 3 copyright rulings, it will issue 3 rulings this term, including Google v. Oracle, which addresses the extent to which copyright law covers certain software code); and trademark law (after deciding 3 trademark cases over the past 4 terms, the Court will rule on 3 trademark cases, including USPTO v. BV., which will decide whether adding an appendage such as “.com” to an otherwise generic term can transform it into a distinctive one).

For more information and to register click HERE

One hour of CLE credit will be offered to the surrounding MCLE states. If you miss the livestream, it will be available on the MSBA CLE catalog.