The MSBA conducted its Annual Business Meeting on June 9th, in conjunction with the 2023 Legal Summit.  

The Meeting began with a review of the past bar year by the sitting President, David P. Shapiro. Shapiro emphasized that the MSBA is dedicated to serving Maryland’s legal professionals, at every stage of their career, and has advanced efforts to become a resource for all attorneys over the past year. Shapiro provided a recap of the MSBA’s legislative successes during the 2023 General Assembly session, including helping effect changes to the laws relating to divorce, trusts, and business transactions. Finally, he noted that under the leadership of Executive Director, Anna Sholl, the MSBA has outperformed nearly every comparable bar association in the country. The MSBA Secretary, Wm. Carl Isler, and Treasurer, Marisa Trasatti, provided brief updates as well. 

Sholl then reported that in addition to a successful leadership transition the MSBA achieved 97% of its annual renewal goal, and exceeded its passport membership renewal goal and CLE revenue goals. Sholl explained the MSBA’s goals for the upcoming year as well, including  updating the website to make it more accessible and easier to navigate, taking a more personalized approach to marketing, expanding the Resource and Learning Library, and adding  more live and on-demand CCLE courses to the ever-growing catalog. 

Shapiro proceeded to recognize the MSBA Leadership Academy fellows, presented The Honorable Anselm Sodaro Judicial Civility Award to the Honorable Nicholas E. Rattal, Associate Judge for the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, Maryland, and the Best Section Awards  to the Business Law Section, for the Advanced Business Law Institute, and the Young Lawyer Section for its 32nd Annual Charity Event. He also  gave special recognition to Donna Hill Staton as the driving force behind the MSBA’s Spark Leadership series, and Carl Silverman, who served as the MSBA Parliamentarian for 32 years. 

Next, the Honorable John P. Morrissey and Matthew J. Fader offered insights on the state of the judiciary. The MSBA’s partner institutions, the Maryland Access to Justice Commission and Maryland Bar Associations Insurance Trust, offered updates as well. 

The sole item of new business during the Meeting concerned proposed amendments to the MSBA’s Bylaws. Following a discussion, the amendments were adopted. The officers for the 2023-2024, President-Elect Rafael J. Santini, Secretary W. Carl Eisler and for Treasurer Marisa Trasadi, were also elected and sworn in, along with President, Jason A. DeLoach. 

DeLoach concluded the meeting by discussing his goals for the upcoming year.