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The Lawyer Assistance Program   is available  to all lawyers, judges, and law school students by offering assessment, referral, short-term counseling, and continued support to ensure long term success. We offer a network of counselors that   can assist you no matter what state you are living in. If you are concerned about another lawyer you can make an anonymous  referral to the Lawyer Assistance Program. We offer financial assistance for Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment.

How many times have you worked sick? An example of Self-Care

By Lisa Caplan

Recently, I had a presentation that I needed to reschedule because I was not feeling well.  With the pandemic, quarantine and wearing a mask it has been so long since I was sick that this snuck up on me.  It was a good old fashioned cold, which for me, always leads to an uncontrollable  cough. In the past I would have “drugged myself up” with Advil and cold medicine to get through it. I honestly was feeling stressed not knowing if I would start coughing in the middle of my virtual presentation and  have to excuse myself. This time I decided it would be best to reschedule for when I was feeling better. 

I notified all involved and they shared the need to reschedule with their staff. They emailed me and shared that they received feedback that this was “a great example of self-care”. I was so glad that they shared this with me, because even though I teach self-care and wellness as well as practice it, it hadn’t even crossed my mind that I was practicing self-care.

So, how many times have you worked sick?  Taking care of yourself will help you be able to take care of others, lower your stress, and overall be healthier.  Here are a few tips to help you practice self-care.

  • Think it through.  Use intentional thinking to make a decision. Not only is it self-care it’s also sensitive to others that may be exposed to your illness.
  • What is best for you?  We often don’t even think about this. We are too busy thinking about others.  Seriously think about this and the best way to move forward.
  • What are the other options?  We often have options. What are they and what is the best way to implement them?

I hope sharing this will help you think about and practice self-care in your life.

For more tips on wellness check out the Wellness Portal https://www.msba.org/wellness-portal/

Please feel free to reach out to our LAP Committee Members and Volunteers https://www.msba.org/health-and-wellness/

Lisa Caplan, LCSW-C has over 25 years experience in her field, and extensive experience working with lawyers and judges in the areas of mental health, substance abuse and trauma. In her free time she enjoys spending time with family and friends, paddle boarding, sailing, rock climbing and doing triathlons.