Maryland attorneys understand that the road to victory in the courtroom begins well before the opening statements. Namely, preparation for trial typically begins after the close of discovery and lasts until the opening statement. During this time, attorneys should determine whether any dispositive motions or pre-trial memoranda are necessary. Timeliness is key during this period, so they must be mindful of any deadlines. 

Preparing to select and inform the jury is another critical pre-trial task that greatly impacts the outcome of the case. When preparing for voir dire, it is important to develop probing questions to uncover potential juror biases and establish rapport to influence their perception of the case. Similarly, jury instructions must be clear, concise, and accurate, reflecting the applicable legal standards. Attorneys should also anticipate potential jury questions or misunderstandings and address them preemptively. 

Attorneys should then focus on preparing their proofs, which includes thoroughly preparing any witnesses and organizing discovery results into evidence. Preparing for trial also requires familiarity with the courtroom technology and rules. Finally, building a comprehensive trial notebook is a must. It should include all case materials, motions, and references, organized logically for quick reference.

As a Maryland civil attorney, understanding the importance of pre-trial procedures and how to prepare a trial notebook can make all the difference in your cases. Join us on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 9:00 for the Civil Pre-Trial Practice & Preparing a Trial Notebook Workshop. The program, presented as part of the MSBA’s 2023 Legal Excellence Week, will feature a team of experienced litigators, including Steve Vinick, Kathleen Cahill, Tiffani Collins, and Adam Spence, who will guide attendees through the crucial post-discovery phase of preparing for trial. Ms. Cahill advised “this practical program will prove invaluable when you are in “The Redzone” with trial rapidly approaching.” From the close of discovery, through motions for summary judgment, to crafting the perfect opening statement, this workshop covers it all.