8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Ecker Business Training Center | Columbia, MD

Join the MSBA for a new presentation of Mindfulness as a Foundation for Ethical Lawyering on January 16, 2019, at the Ecker Business Training Center in Columbia, MD! Attorneys spend many years training how to think like lawyers. With a similar approach to training, mindfulness practice trains us how to be better thinking lawyers in a way that allows us to handle the stress and strains and conflicts that are inherent in the practice of law. Attorney Jennifer Dill will present methods to cope with the stress and requirements of the rigorous day to day of being an attorney. Her program, based on the ABA report “The Path to Lawyer Well-Being: Practical Recommendations for Positive Change”, focuses on Mindfulness as Tool for Attorney Well-being, Law & Society,and Training the Brain.

Six (6) hours of CLE credit (including .5 hour of ethics) the surrounding MCLE states will be offered. If you cannot join us in Columbia, the program will be webcast live concurrently and available online on-demand a week after the program. Register today!