Join the MSBA’s Young Lawyers Section for its annual YLS Summit during Legal Excellence Week! The Summit will take place on November 16, 2022, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the Live! Casino & Hotel in Hanover, Maryland. All young Maryland attorneys are encouraged to attend to learn more about the MSBA and network with colleagues and presenters.

The Summit will kick off with a cocktail reception followed by a moderated “fireside chat” led by The Honorable Angela M. Eaves of the Maryland Court of Appeals. Aneil Mishra, Dean and Professor of Management at the University of Michigan-Flint School of Management, will then lead a discussion on Intentional Leadership. The evening will end with a dessert reception, where attendees will have the opportunity to mingle and meet their fellow young attorneys.

You can register for the YLS Summit here.  

Be sure to register for Legal Excellence Week as well, so that you do not miss out on any other programs or benefits! The MSBA’s 2022 Legal Excellence Week offers close to 40 hours of learning and unparalleled networking opportunities, and the weekly pass for Legal Excellence Week is free to MSBA passport holders.