Attached are draft new Rules 2-634 and 3-634, conforming amendments to Rules 2-633 and 3-633, and (for your reference) Florida Rule 1.560 and Florida Form 1.977.

The drafts are intended to implement the recommendations made by the Judgments Subcommittee at its October 11, 2018 meeting re:  Agenda Item 2.  See the Reporter’s note following Rule 2-634.

If successful, the proposals should substantially reduce the number of post-judgment body attachments issued in debt collection actions against individuals.

We would like to include the proposals on the agenda of the January 4, 2019 meeting of the Rules Committee. Please advise me of your comments and any suggested changes as soon as possible, So that any necessary revisions can be made in time to include the Rules in the materials for that meeting, please send comments and any suggested changes as soon as possible to:

Sandra F. Haines, Esq.


Rules Committee

2011-D Commerce Park Drive

Annapolis, MD 21401

Tel:  410-260-3630

Fax:  410-260-3631