Maryland Legislators Issue Letter Supporting MSBA’s Efforts

As part of the continuing campaign to address Maryland’s decision not to follow national CDC guidelines for attorneys as all surrounding jurisdictions have, the MSBA worked with members of the legislature to issue a letter on March 4, 2021, to Governor Hogan, the Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals, and the Maryland Secretary of Health, which can be found here. We thank the many members of the legislature, especially Delegate and MSBA Secretary Erek Barron, for supporting this initiative and demonstrating leadership on behalf of attorneys and the clients they serve.

MSBA Members Take Action – You Can Too!

Over 1,400 emails were sent by our members to members of the legislature and the Governor’s office in response to our call to action last week. We encourage you to continue reaching out to Maryland leaders using this tool if you haven’t already.

MSBA Issues Letter with Support of Over Thirty Local and Specialty Bars

A letter from the MSBA and over thirty local and specialty Bars was sent to Governor Hogan, the Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals, and the Maryland Secretary of Health on February 24, 2021, and can be found here. Many thanks to our partner organizations for their contributions to this effort.

The MSBA will continue its efforts to advocate for the profession and will be announcing several more steps in the coming days. Our goal as the representative statewide organization for all attorneys is to advocate for Maryland to follow national guidelines regarding attorneys, not to push anyone else out of priority. As always, an individual is free to decline a priority vaccine if he/she chooses.

Please reach out to us at with any questions and comments.

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