MSBA Leadership Academy: Now Accepting Applications for 2024!

The Maryland State Bar Association Leadership Academy is designed to provide the next generation of attorneys with the skills necessary to become leaders within their organizations and firms, the Maryland State Bar Association, and the greater Maryland legal community. Leadership Academy consists of a 12-month series of issue-oriented experiences, forums, and educational opportunities. 

Leadership Academy graduates have gone on to become judges, law firm partners, law school professors, and the chief federal prosecutor in Maryland, among other things. It is a life-long, respected credential that will prepare you for success in the profession and beyond. Be a part of it and apply to be a Fellow today!

MSBA’s Leadership Academy areas of focus:

  • Fellows develop pivotal professional development skills, including decision-making, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. Participants will receive training in business and practice management concepts to broaden their understanding of organizational dynamics and strategic planning.
  • Effective leadership and governance involve collaborating with colleagues. Leadership Academy programs include activities and modules curated to spark a spirit of teamwork and develop effective communication skills with peers.
  • Participants are given opportunities to establish relationships with past Bar Presidents, current bar leaders, and previous Leadership Academy alumni to learn more about the MSBA and enhance leadership skills.
  • MSBA’s Leadership Academy Fellows attend events, develop and implement a public service project, and participate in special programs highlighting public speaking, media relations, interviewing skills, budgeting, and more. 

Growth opportunities are endless. Apply today!

Need more details or have questions? Please attend one of our upcoming informational sessions with Leadership Academy Committee members and alumni: 

February 6, 2024-  6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

March 6, 2024- 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.