MSBA exists to support lawyers in their careers and personal lives. This year, through the help of members like you, we are working to offer an Association Healthcare Plan. This plan could offer MSBA members the ability to take greater control over their healthcare costs and improve medical maintenance solutions for the individual and their family. We need your help to make this program a reality!  Please take this quick, three-minute survey to lend a hand in this effort.

Do you still have questions about the Association Healthcare Plan (AHP)? We’re here to help!  Here’s what you need to know about the prospective MSBA Health Plan…

Association Health Plans (AHPs) are group health plans that associations sponsor to provide health coverage to their members’ employees. AHPs allow for smaller employers to band together to purchase coverages that are typically only available to large employers, resulting in a more competitive offering with coverage options that are tailored to the needs of the member.

Why is MSBA exploring this opportunity?

  • High demand from MSBA membership
  • Access to competitive premiums for members
  • MSBA hopes to expand the value of services to its members

Why should I complete the data collection for the MSBA’s AHP offering?

The higher the response rate we are able to achieve, the better data we have to negotiate with insurance carriers to provide a competitive rate. Your data will help us evaluate the creation of a sustainable plan that offers:

  • Competitive premiums
  • Strong access for MSBA members
  • Benefit offers that are typically available through Fortune 100 companies

Why do AMBA and MSBA require my demographic information for the Association Healthcare Plan survey? Will my personal information be shared or sold with third parties?

We have partnered with AMBA (Association Member Benefits Advisors)  to assist with the development of an Association Level Health Care plan only. AMBA is not engaged for the purpose of selling individual plans. For MSBA to understand our members’ needs accurately, we must aggregate certain demographic information from individuals eligible to participate in such a plan. The purpose of this survey is to collect critical data so it can be aggregated by AMBA. Then AMBA, under our direction and oversight, will “shop” the aggregated data to carriers with the goal of creating an affordable plan that would be accessible to all members. By completing the survey, AMBA nor any other healthcare providers would contact you directly for the purpose of selling insurance.  Additionally, completing the survey in no way commits you to utilize the Association Healthcare Plan, should one be established after the feasibility stage.

How do I participate in making this happen?

Complete the quick 3-minute survey here! Your information is completely secure.

Please note: The survey will close on 02/28/2023.