Join the MSBA for a livestream of the Legal Summit Series: #MeToo: Looking Back and Moving Forward on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 10 a.m.! 

The #MeToo movement has raised awareness about workplace sexual harassment.  So it should come as no surprise that harassment claims, particularly sexual harassment claims, are on the rise for employers.  Now more than ever, employers need to be cognizant of and comply with various state and local laws, which require training, prohibit confidentiality, and even change the legal standards.  This program will cover the highlights of the #MeToo movement and the evolving legal landscape.  It will also offer practical advice on how to address workplace harassment claims in the #MeToo era, as well as how to avoid them through harassment prevention training and workplace culture.

Presented by Lesley Marlin, Northrop Grumman Corporation 

For more information and to register click HERE. 

One hour of CLE credit will be offered to the surrounding MCLE states. If you miss the livestream, it will be available on the MSBA CLE catalog.