Join the MSBA for the 2021 Legal Summit Series: Winning Your Case with a Better Memory on Thursday, June 3rd at 10 am – and learn skills that will help you retain what you learn during the entire Legal Summit and Annual meeting! 

An attorney who can think quickly and accurately without fumbling with notes, and who can recall names and faces gains an instant advantage.

You’ll master time-tested techniques for remembering names and faces, speaking without notes, and getting through the day without the fear of forgetting. The results are astonishing.

The objectives are clear…

To show how memory can be improved
To gain the skill to easily recall names and faces
To establish mental anchors to recall anything
To confidently recall facts and figures
To understand that memory improves with age

Presented by Paul Mellor who’s been teaching these time tested and science based techniques to lawyers, salespeople, politicians and regular folks, for more than twenty years across the U.S. and Canada.

For more information and to register click HERE

One hour of CLE credit will be offered to the surrounding MCLE states. If you miss the livestream, it will be available on the MSBA CLE catalog.