During this difficult year, the MSBA has increased our communications to members and to sections to share important updates from the courts and for your practice, virtual learning and connection opportunities, and digital resources to support your professional and personal well-being. The voices of our members have also been critical in guiding our community through these challenging months, whether you have led or participated in a virtual webinar or CLE, contributed to a publication, or engaged in important section discussions via MSBA Connect.

We’d like to make sure that if you’re a section member, you continue to receive MSBA Connect messages, in one of two ways:
1) via email (as you did in the prior Lyris system), or
2) by logging into the Connect website/platform on your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

You just need to take a few minutes to check your settings so that you don’t miss out on this incredible benefit to being a member of an MSBA section. Below are a few key points to help keep you stay connected.

  1. How To Check Your Current Connect Settings

Click into the Connect FAQs HERE and scroll down to “Default Settings” to read about default behavior and other options for your Connect experience. From the msba.org/connect website, click the dropdown menu on the right side of the site (below “Hi, (your name)” and select  “Connect Preferences” to view and change your settings.

2. You can post a message one of two ways:

To start a topic on the new MSBA Connect system, you can post via email the same way you do via Lyris; all you need to do is change the recipient email address to the unique address listed below for each community. When you reply to a message via email, those replies will be received by all members of that Connect community (not an individual user). You may also log into the platform at msba.org/connect to start a topic and customize your notification settings. As a reminder, members should include their name and contact information, including email address, in their signature blocks when sending messages to MSBA Connect so that members can view your email address.

Remember that unlike the prior system in Lyris, Connect does not automatically send the author of a post an email containing that post (but you’ll see it in your “Sent” folder if you send the message via email). If you would like to receive a copy of your email like you did in the Lyris system, that’s possible by changing your settings (see “Mailing List Mode” instructions below for this option).

Administrative Law adlaw-section@connect.msba.org
Agriculture Law aglaw-section@connect.msba.org
Alternative Dispute Resolution alternativedispute-section@connect.msba.org
Animal Law animallaw-section@connect.msba.org
Bench-Bar bench-bar-section@connect.msba.org
Business Law businesslaw-section@connect.msba.org
Construction Law constructionlaw-section@connect.msba.org
Consumer Bankruptcy consumer-bankruptcy-section@connect.msba.org
Correctional Reform correctionallaw-section@connect.msba.org
Criminal Law & Practice criminallaw-section@connect.msba.org
Delivery of Legal Services delivery-legal-services@connect.msba.org
Elder and Disability Rights elderanddisabilty-section@connect.msba.org
Entertainment & Sports Law entertainmentandsportslaw-section@connect.msba.org
Environmental & Energy Law environmentallaw-section@connect.msba.org
Estates & Trust Law estate-trust-section@connect.msba.org
Family & Juvenile Law family-section@connect.msba.org
Health Law healthlaw-section@connect.msba.org
Immigration Law immigrationlaw-section@connect.msba.org
Intellectual Property intellectuallaw-section@connect.msba.org
Labor & Employment Law laborlaw-section@connect.msba.org
Legal Education & Admission to Bar LegalEdandAdmissiontotheBar-community@connect.msba.org
Litigation litigationlaw-section@connect.msba.org
Veterans’ Affairs and Military Law veterans-military-section@connect.msba.org
Negligence, Insurance & Workers’ Comp negligenceinsuranceandworkerscomp-section@connect.msba.org
Real Property realproperty-section@connect.msba.org
Senior Lawyers seniorlawyers-section@connect.msba.org
Solo & Small Firm Practice soloandsmallfirm-section@connect.msba.org
State & Local Government Law stateandlocalgoverment-section@connect.msba.org
Taxation Law taxsection-section@connect.msba.org
Young Lawyers yls-section@connect.msba.org

3. Enable mailing list mode to receive every message via email:

You can enable “Mailing List Mode” to receive each post, including your own, as a separate email (to mirror the prior Lyris sytem). While we encourage members to choose other delivery options and interact directly through the Connect web portal, we offer this Mailing List option for members who want to keep notifications the same as in the prior system. Please note that if you choose this delivery option, this setting applies for all of your communities. You may not receive any digest emails.

• Log onto https://www.msba.org/connect/
• Click on your “Connect Preferences” below your name in the upper-right corner of the connect page and select “Emails” on the left.
• Check “Enable mailing list mode” at the bottom of the screen, then click “Save Changes.”

4. We’re Here to Help:

We have spoken to many members walking them through these settings and have seen numerous make changes on their own. We’re here for you and don’t want you to miss out on the great content, conversations, and updates available on Connect.

If you have any questions, please don’t post to the entire list but write to us at info@msba.org or call us at 410-685-7878.