Current Maryland Bar Foundation Fellows are encouraged to nominate a professional to join the Fellowship program. Nominees must be members of the MSBA whose professional, public, and private careers have demonstrated their dedication to the legal profession and to their communities, and the maintenance of the objectives of the MSBA.

More than 50 years ago, the Maryland Bar Foundation was created with the goals of obtaining gifts and contributions to be used to foster and maintain the honor and integrity of the profession of the law; striving to improve the administration of justice; promoting the study of the law; presenting awards to deserving judges and lawyers for special achievements; and enhancing the continuing education of our lawyers. The Foundation has only been able to carry out these objectives with the financial support of its Fellows. The induction of each class of Fellows is vital to the continued success of the Foundation. The Foundation Board is very much committed to the growth of the Foundation and increasing the number of Fellows is a necessary component of such growth.

We ask that you propose prospective Fellows by January 16, 2024 by completing the online submission form.


Manuel Geraldo, Esq.
Chair of the Fellows

Alexander Geraldo, Esq.
Co-chair of the Fellows