Maryland law dictates that all parents have an obligation to support their children financially. In the context of child support cases, parents often dispute what constitutes adequate support. As such, it is important that all family law practitioners possess a deep understanding of how income is determined in child support cases, and what role discovery and experts play in helping them obtain the best outcomes for their clients and their children. 

Attorneys interested in learning more about child support can join the MSBA Family and Juvenile Law Section for an all new, virtual presentation of Family Law University 2024: A Complete Guide to Child Support on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. 

During the seminar, attorneys will provide valuable insight on numerous issues that can arise during a child support dispute. In addition to discussing effective discovery methods and income and support calculation methods, the faculty will examine jurisdiction and the UIFSA, establishing versus modifying child support, and enforcement of support issues. They will also provide insight on special issues that can arise in child support cases and impact support obligations. 

You can find more information and register for the presentation here. If you’re unable to attend the live virtual program, it will be available OnDemand at a later date. You can pre-purchase the OnDemand version via this link.  


5.5 hours of CLE credit will be offered by the surrounding MCLE states for this presentation.