Drafted by ‘a group of distinguished judges and lawyers who almost amount to a “Who’s Who” of the Maryland Bench and Bar,’” the Maryland Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions (MPJI-CR) has been an essential reference for a generation of judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys. With more than 200 instructions explaining the elements of virtually every statutory and common law offense, identifying parties and witnesses, providing introductory and cautionary instructions for the jury, and offering guidance for its consideration of evidence and defenses, The MPJI-CR serves as an authoritative source for current, clear, and concise jury instructions in the State of Maryland. 

The MPJI-CR is reviewed and updated regularly and is logically arranged, indexed and cross-referenced. Commentary and citations to authority make MPJI-CR an indispensable primer on the fundamentals of criminal law, whether or not trial by jury is contemplated. Accordingly, the NEW 2022 MJPI-Criminal Replacement Pages replace ALL pages in the Second Edition and brings the Second Edition fully up to date with current developments in statutory and case law. The 2022 version includes a revised table of contents, instructions table, instructions section, tables of cases, authorities, and the index. The 2022 Replacement Pages are also accompanied by the downloadable updated instructions. 

New Instructions

  • Implicit Bias [2:06]
  • Battered Spouse Syndrome [3:33]
  • Child Abuse Continuing Course of Conduct [4:07.1A]
  • Unlawful Use of Force by Police Officer [4:36]

Revised Instructions

  • First Degree Assault [4:01.1A]
  • Narcotics and Controlled Dangerous Substance – Distribution [4:24.2]
  • Second Degree Rape [4:29]
  • Removal of sodomy instructions [4:30 & various]
  • Possession of Regulated Firearms [4:35.5, 4:35.6, 4:35.7]
  • Perverted Practices [4:30.1]
  • DUI – Refusal [4:10.5]
  • Flight or Concealment of Defendant [3:24

The Maryland Criminal Pattern Jury Instructions, Second Edition, with downloadable Instructions (2022 Replacement Pages) is available in print and electronic versions. Please note that due to supply chain issues creating a paper shortage for the entire printing and publishing industries, delivery of hard copy purchases may be delayed. Please consider purchasing the electronic publication at this time.