Anthropic is one of the most innovative companies in the field of artificial intelligence. Previously, the MSBA reported on Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard and Duel AI, and Microsoft’s Bing and CoPilot. See The Next Generation of Generative AI Tools: ChatGPT Enterprise, Google Duet AI, and Microsoft CoPilot. The MSBA also reported on legal-specific generative AI tools. See Generative AI for Legal Research. Determined not to be left behind, Anthropic has produced its own generative AI tool to compete with these powerhouses.    

In the competitive world of artificial intelligence, it is rare to see a newcomer who can challenge the established names and carve out a niche for themselves. But that is exactly what Anthropic is doing with Claude. Although not a household name, Anthropic’s Claude AI is rapidly making its mark in the artificial intelligence realm. Two former OpenAI employees formed Anthropic and have raised over $1 billion from Google, Amazon, and Salesforce. Anthropic is rising among giants (OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft), but not intimidated by them. Anthropic released a free version of Claude AI in March 2023 and Claude 2 in July 2023. To try out Anthropic’s free version of Claude AI, click here. Anthropic is now offering Claude Pro priced at $20 per month, in direct competition with ChatGPT 4.0, and Google and Microsoft’s generative AI tools. The Pro version allows five times more usage, with approximately 100 responses every 8 hours. Anthropic’s website brags that Claude Pro offers five times more usage than the free tier provides, with the ability to send many more messages during high-traffic periods. 

As emerging technologies reshape the practice of law, all of these AI tools can help attorneys work smarter (not harder) by automating tedious tasks. Anthropic states Claude AI can provide case law, statutes, regulations, and secondary sources in its answers to legal questions. Claude has the ability to summarize lengthy documents, flag relevant passages, and uncover critical facts. Claude can sift through discovery documents and isolate keywords and passages so a lawyer doesn’t have to tediously review documents word by word. Claude can also create custom contract templates and memorandums of law.    

Remaining competitive as a lawyer in today’s fast-paced legal environment means embracing technology. Using generative AI tools to streamline research, discovery, and drafting allows an attorney to work smarter, not harder. Claude and other AI tools can save a lawyer time, reduce busy work, and provide happier clients. The future is here for lawyers to integrate this new technology into their practice. While artificial intelligence tools like Claude can help streamline and automate certain legal tasks, it is crucial that lawyers diligently review all AI-generated work products before use. A final human review is necessary to validate accuracy, spot errors, and account for legal nuances in the law. Ultimately, attorneys bear the responsibility for any work product bearing their name, regardless of AI involvement. Prudent protocols should be established for human oversight before filing documents, communicating analysis, or relying on any AI outputs.  

Disclaimer: The MSBA does not endorse any of the above products or services identified in this article.  This article is for informational purposes only.