The MSBA, following its Bylaws and Policy Manual, is now accepting nominations for the upcoming Class II – District Governor vacancies outlined below.  Class II – District Governor terms begin at the MSBA’s Annual Business Meeting on June 7, 2024 and conclude at the Annual Business Meeting in June 2026.

Any voting member of the Association having his or her Primary Address within a District may be nominated for District Governor of that District by a petition filed with the Executive Director per the Policies and Procedures promulgated by the Board and not inconsistent with the MSBA Bylaws. A nomination petition must be signed by an appropriate officer of the nominee’s County/City Bar Association certifying that the candidate was selected by the governing body of such Bar Association, OR signed by not less than ten (10) members of the Association whose Primary Address also falls within such District.

Petitions must be submitted through the electronic portal at by 5:00 pm on February 8, 2024.

1st District –  Baltimore City – 1 vacancy

4th District – Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s Counties – 1 vacancy

5th District – Prince George’s County – 2 vacancies

6th District – Montgomery County – 2 vacancies

7th District – Anne Arundel County – 1 vacancy

8th District – Baltimore County – 1 vacancy

9th District – Harford and Cecil Counties – 1 vacancy

10th District – Howard County – 1 vacancy

11th District -Carroll and Frederick Counties – 2 vacancies*

*Please note, to properly balance the Board of Governor distributions, one (1) nominee will be elected to serve a typical 2-year term, and one (1) nominee will be elected to serve a shortened 1-year term

If the number of nominees received for a District does not exceed the number of available vacancies, a person’s nomination shall constitute the person’s election as a District Governor. If the number of nominees for a District exceeds the number of vacancies, then an election shall be held.  MSBA Members in good standing whose primary address falls within the contested District are eligible to participate in the election.  To the extent such an election is necessary, the nominees will be notified with additional information as to the election procedure.