Latest Update to Bylaw Recommendations Benefit from Additional Section Input

At the MSBA Mid-year Meeting in Bethesda, MSBA President, Dana O. Williams referred proposed amendments to the MSBA Bylaws back to committee for further discussion based on member feedback.  In addition, President Williams appointed two new members to the Bylaws committee, Danielle Cruttenden, Chair of the Estate & Trust Law Section and Susan Land, Chair of the Solo & Small Firm Practice Section, to ensure any potential concerns were addressed through the process.  Ms. Cruttenden and Ms. Land provided recommendations of potential revisions that would address previous concerns. 

Bylaws Committee Submits Revised Recommendations to Board of Governors

The most substantial revision to the recommendations was to restore an existing provision of the Bylaws, which allowed Sections to take positions on legislation within their area of responsibility, so long as that position is not counter to a position held by the MSBA.  Given that the Bylaws committee at no time contemplated disempowering the Sections from engaging in legislative activity, and in fact planned to simply move this provision from the Bylaws to the Policy Manual, the committee agreed to leave the provision within the Bylaws as opposed to within its Policies.   A few other minor revisions were made and are outlined in comparison copies and a comprehensive spreadsheet available on the MSBA website at

Board of Governors Approves Revised Recommendations and Agrees to Submit Revisions to the Membership for Approval

At its annual retreat, held virtually on May 15, 2020, the Board of Governors considered the revised recommendations presented by co-Chairs, Marshall Paul and William Carlson.  Following the presentation, the Board voted to unanimously approve the revised recommendations, and submit them to the membership at the June Virtual Annual Meeting for final approval.  

For Further Information:   Visit for more details on the revised amendments.  You can register for the Virtual Annual Meeting at Virtual Annual Business Meeting.