From now through May 17th, 2020, the MSBA will not be providing in-person CLE programs. All live, in-person CLE programs currently scheduled in this time period are postponed or may be delivered via livestream. Please check the MSBA calendar for the current status. All impacted participants have been, and will continue to be notified directly, as we’re monitoring the situation daily. If you have any questions please contact us at If you have a need for specific subject matter programming, or have to complete credits for another MCLE state please review our on-demand catalog of CLE programs at:

For Pennsylvania attorneys: We are aware that many of you barred in Pennsylvania have an April 30, 2020 MCLE reporting deadline. As an accredited provider for PACLE, all of our live streaming and on-demand programming carries Pennsylvania credit, and we will report your credits to PACLE promptly, to ensure your compliance is recorded with that office.