The MSBA offers its sincere congratulations to sitting judges who were elected in contested elections on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, and offers an enthusiastic welcome to newly-elected judges who were victorious electoral challengers on Election Day.

In contested circuit court elections in Maryland, the MSBA for decades has endorsed the sitting judge principle, which involves a vigorous and thorough interview and assessment process of judicial candidates by judicial nominating commissions, involving lawyers and non-lawyers. The MSBA believes that the judicial nominating commission process has proved to be the most effective procedure for ensuring that the most qualified judicial candidates are placed on the ballot.

Of the sitting judges facing a contested election, the following judges prevailed:

Anne Arundel County

  • Judge Pamela Alban, Judge Elizabeth Morris, Judge Rob Thompson, and Judge Richard Trunnell

Carroll County

  • Judge Richard Titus

Montgomery County

  • Judge Bibi M. Berry, Judge David A. Boynton, Judge Christopher C. Fogleman, Judge Michael Joseph McAuliffe

Prince George’s County

  • Judge Wytonja Curry, Judge ShaRon M. Grayson Kelsey, Judge Cathy H. Serrette, Judge Jared McCarthy


Charles County

In Charles County, Makeba Gibbs, a LaPlata practitioner, and a former president of the Charles County Bar Association, defeated Judge Patrick Devine for the 1 seat on the ballot in the county.

Howard County

In Howard County, Quincy Coleman, a private practitioner, and former public defender defeated Judge John Kuchno for the 1 Howard County seat up for election.

Prince George’s County

In Prince George’s County, veteran practitioner, Gladys Weatherspoon led all candidates on the ballot in securing a seat on the Prince George circuit bench. Judge Bryon Bereano, had withdrawn from contention after the June Primary Election.

The MSBA congratulates each of the successful candidates.