The MSBA in partnership with 30+ Local & Specialty Bars has been pursuing establishing all attorneys to be included in Phase 1C per national CDC guidelines as all surrounding jurisdictions have done.

The most recent information provided publicly on the Maryland covidLINK website appears to indicate that all attorneys are NOW eligible for inclusion in Priority Group 1 based on our interpretation.  On March 10, 2021, the MSBA issued a letter to Michael Pedone, Esq., Chief Legal Counsel, Kieffer Mitchell, Esq., Chief Legislative Officer, and Christopher Shank, Director of External Affairs, in the Governor’s office, seeking confirmation.  You can read the letter here.

More and more attorneys are being vaccinated and the MSBA believes that Maryland attorneys are effectively in Priority Group 1 based on the interpretation in the above referenced letter. Although this has yet to be confirmed by the Governor’s office, the language now available appears to point to this.

President Biden has sought to have all adults eligible by May 1, 2021, however courts will be expanding operations prior to that and we believe it’s essential that attorneys continue to be prioritized.

In addition to over 1,400 emails sent to legislators by attorneys and various other steps enabled by our efforts, the MSBA recognizes the importance of having lawyers in the Maryland legislature.  A significant new effort is being planned to aid in achieving that objective with the MSBA seeking to grow the ranks of lawyer legislators.

Although the interpretation that all attorneys are  now eligible for Priority Group 1 is awaiting confirmation, it is clear many are operating on that basis in numerous counties.

Any comments or questions please contact us via

Add Your Voice – Take Action Now and Contact the Governor

Make your voice heard! Please click here and fill out the form to the right to email Governor Hogan’s Office asking him to recognize all attorneys in Priority Group 1, as a follow-up to MSBA’s recent communications to his office. With just a few clicks, you can add your voice, strengthening our position, by emailing his office directly.