The MSBA is monitoring the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines throughout Maryland, neighboring states, and nationwide in the hopes of providing the latest information on vaccine priority to our members. Many of us are asking where we fall in the queue, and when we might get vaccinated. The MSBA understands that many of us are concerned about exposure to the COVID19  in the course of just doing our jobs. 


The CDC recommends that members of the legal profession be vaccinated in group 1c after healthcare professionals, the elderly, and first responders. However, these recommendations are only a guide, and prioritization is the responsibility of the individual states. Maryland has not yet confirmed whether officers of the court will be prioritized. Several neighboring states are prioritizing lawyers in keeping with the CDC guidelines. To the best of our knowledge, no neighboring states have begun vaccinating members of our profession under the age of 65 based solely on their occupation. 


The major problem at the moment is the vaccine shortage. Hopefully, as more vaccines become available things will become clearer. At the moment states including Maryland are short of necessary doses and do not have enough to vaccinate the highest priority groups. 


The MSBA appreciates the difficulties states including Maryland face. But, we also believe it is our duty to continue to advocate for our members. Over the past few weeks, we have been urging state officials to commit to prioritizing members of the bar in accordance with the CDC guidance. Last week we outlined the situation and our efforts to date.  We are currently working with legislators, including Delegate Erek Barron, the current MSBA Secretary, to gain signatures on a letter to be presented to Governor Hogan and other officials.


The MSBA stresses that we are not attempting to put members of the bar ahead of frontline workers or members of vulnerable groups. We are asking for clarity around plans and timing that adheres to the established CDC guidance.  We want all Marylanders to be vaccinated timely and appreciate the Governor’s and local officials’ efforts to vaccinate as many as possible given vaccine supply constraints.


This is an evolving situation. We will continue to keep our members updated as we advocate on behalf of all of us.   If you have any questions or comments, please send them to